08 July 2006

Number Seventeen: For what we are about to Send and Receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful...

Now fully ensconced in the world of work, I've been deprived of many of the former work avoidance tactics (although I've been busted by directors on many occasions looking at ebay - I can't quite figure out if it is a good or bad thing that it's frequently Agent Provocateur that I'm searching for on these occasions...)
However, I've been reintroduced to the addiction of the "send and receive" button on Entourage. This is, however, reserved strictly for those times when zooming in and out from whatever drawing package you are using has become so repetitive that it's beginning to bore you to tears. You know what I'm talking about, we've all been there, it's part of the training.
Despite the fact that our system is set to automatically check for any email updates every nine minutes, my inherent impatience means that I am checking every four minutes, in quiet times, which reduces to every two minutes when bored and every 3 seconds when absolutely desperate to find something else to distract me from what I'm doing. Our strictly "office only" address book has also been expanded as much as one of Douglas Adams' trilogies so as to increase my chances of receiving material to distract me, using a scatter gun technique of contacting people who I haven't even spoken to in ages. This last process however, also necessitates the use of Number Eighteen...:

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