10 July 2006

Number Twenty: Looking up things that you shouldn't

Oh the joy of the internet; so many opportunities for so much pleasure and yet so much pain*, and all in the privacy of your own home. You can look up anything, be it carrying on from Number Eighteen and photos of your ex-boyfriend's wedding (that apostrophe is soon to take a step to the right, quite scarily**), to THAT Paris Hilton video. These can lead on to repeated versions of Number Nine, or another certain work avoidance tactic that is a favourite of one of my friends that I am as yet undecided whether to publish. Either way, it forms a great link if you're looking to waste - sorry - USE your time in larger segments than is afforded by single tactics alone. Hurrah!

*Which I guess is a win/win situation if you're a masochist
** and add an s in there somewhere too - it hasn't got to the point where two of my exes are marrying eachother, yet...

1 comment:

Alburt said...

Hi Ruth - I'm afraid I don't know your email address.

Just found your site through blogger - I was enjoying the list -how come you've not posted for a year? Did the thesis finally get finished. I know what the old arch course is like - having completed my self not so long ago. Its nice to be finished.

If I get something new put together then I'll let you know - was going to do a book with the sky photos but alas . . .

Regarding the HIMP book - you can get a copy by posting us a cheque. Email me at info@holeinmypocket.com and I'll sort it out for you.