02 May 2006

Number Nine: Wallow

One of life's ultimate brain "screen savers" - random and irrelevant depression creeps up on you when you're not out enjoying yourself (as you won't be otherwise "YOU"LL NEVER GRADUATE" as the little elves in your head always scream. Maybe that's just me)

Sitting in the bath, having woken up full of enthusiasm and with all intention of getting straight back into whatever it was you were putting off yesterday, one little thought creeps into your head. It could even be something happy at first - some great day out, when you were having a fantastic time, and you were talking to that guy who you had such fun with, who you went out with a couple of times before HE RIPPED YOUR HEART OUT AND SQUASHED IT INTO LITTLE TINY PULPY PIECES.... Oh what's the point. Surely a cup of tea would help. And maybe some of those chocolate biscuits from the shop about 20 minutes walk away. Or - if the sun is over the yard arm - just a wee snifter of something a little stronger.

It's a slippery slope. Surely it's safer just to go back to bed?

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