22 May 2006

Number Thirteen: Take pride in your work space.

I'd like to thank Apple for giving me yet another method of procrastination. It's kind of related to Number Four...
When my shiny new iMac was delivered about 4 years ago, I was very disapointed to discover that it had an optical mouse. You cannot underestimate the hours of joy I have had scraping the petina of dead skin and general desk based crap from the 3 separate rollers inside my old mouse. But that one was black, and now my desk in Space Oddesy-esque white, so the new old one had to go. However, this morning I noticed - and I can't believe it's taken me so long - that Apple didn't reduce the opportunities for cleaning when they delivered my new Mac, but increased them 10,000* fold. Oh yes. Gone are the days of having only 3 elements to clean, but instead I have around 100 keys collecting dust, crumbs and any general detritius that comes within a two mile distance of my workspace. I've spent quite a while perfecting my cotton bud swabbing technique too, using a variety of fluids to determine which is the most effective. Bliss.

And only the other week, my housemate suggested that I might want to change my room around to create a better working environment. Rails were errected, cabinets painted, boxes moved, and at the end of a long and tiring day I am still sat staring at the same metre wide desk, barely aware that I sit in a room at all let alone a house, street or city. Ah well, at least the panic factor has now set in...

*okay, evidently this isn't mathematically correct, but you get the gist

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